Being Hungry in America

If you want the literal definition of things like food sovereignty and what a food desert is you can google in. But here is what they really mean to people thru their own voices. “I come from a culture of warriors and hunters and that was how you provided for your family. But jobs are … Continue reading

What Kind of Future for Our Children

It was Tatonka Iyotanka better known as Sitting Bull of the Lakota people who said: “Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” That questions comes to us today what future, what life are we going to leave for our children. outofdarknesstohope  That link goes to my go … Continue reading

Need Your Help To Help Others

This summer I spent in service with an Americorps hunger relief program in rural Tennessee. Along with lunches provided to the children by my other amazing team members I delivered over 17,000 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies to the children and their families. It was so amazing. To help understand the struggles faced by … Continue reading